Getting Ricoedeas to Attach

mx mr bean

i bought a small bright green ricordea a few weeks back and he is constantly falling off of the rock i put him on which causes him to land upside down and he just sits like that untill i put him on the rock again. how do u get them to attach if they even can since theyre anemones?


Active Member
put him in a shallow dish with some sand and rubble in a low flow area. eventually (week or two) the ricordea will attach to either sand or a piece of the rubble, you can then dry the sand its attached to and super glue it to a larger piece of rock.


When you glue it you do it inside or outside the tank?? This may be a stupid question, but I have never done this before....


Active Member
once the shroom has attached to a small peice of rubble... (or maybe yours already has a peice of rubble on its underside....)
Take the desired rock out of the water, pat dry the area to be glued.
Pat dry the RUBBLE (should be tiny anyway)
Put a dab of glue (I use the superglue GEL) on the dry spot of the rock.
Place the rubble of the underside of the shroom onto the rock. Lighty press just to make contact.
Let it set for about 2 minutes... then put it back in the tank. It will still be a little tacky, just dont mess with it.
this is what works for me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shrimpi
once the shroom has attached to a small peice of rubble... (or maybe yours already has a peice of rubble on its underside....)
Take the desired rock out of the water, pat dry the area to be glued.
Pat dry the RUBBLE (should be tiny anyway)
Put a dab of glue (I use the superglue GEL) on the dry spot of the rock.
Place the rubble of the underside of the shroom onto the rock. Lighty press just to make contact.
Let it set for about 2 minutes... then put it back in the tank. It will still be a little tacky, just dont mess with it.
this is what works for me.

Not to be picky, but one thing you left out is to RINSE the frag first with saltwater to get rid of the toxins from the glue


Active Member
I have never rinsed a frag yet. I just put a dollup of glue on the frag and stick it in the tank where I want it. Presto----frag mounted. Super glue gel will cure underwater and does not release toxins into your tank.