Active Member
Hey everyone, it's been awhile since my last post months ago. I've been dealing with bryopsis this past year. Tried everything, did everything and nothing seems to work until recently. I did water changes, using rowa phos with phosphate reactor, reduce lighting time, etc etc. Nothing seems to get rid of bryopsis. I have recently bought large quantity of cleanup crews consists of mainly snails, lettuce nudi, sally lightfoot crabs, and emerald crabs. I am winning the battle this time, the side of my tank that was badly covered with bryopsis is disappearing, HUGE clumps of bryopsis is ALL gone, I can see my glass and rocks again!!!! I haven't seen it this pretty in a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG time, like I've said, I've been dealing with it for over a year. There's not that much bropsis left to cleanup, it only took the cleaning crew just one month to accomplish this. I used mainly Mexican Turbos(These guys do wonders, they WILL eat bryopsis IF you cut them short, they'll eat the left over and scrape it clean), Astrea(mainly to cleanup glass and left over algae on rocks), Lettuce nudi(They're eating the bryopsis that's growing on my corals, the stuffs that the turbos can't reach), Star Snails(They do wonders cleaning up the rocks as well, not as good as the mexican turbos), and the crabs just pick at the left overs. I should have taken a before picture to show how bad the bryopsis looked in my tank, it was covering everything, now I'm afraid I won't have any left for my crews to eat. :thinking: