Getting rid of Glass anemone


Hi Guys! i found 2 Glass anemones last night and i want to get rid of it...whats the best way to do this? i read something about Joe's Juice....whats that? Is there any other chemical i can find easier? T


Active Member
Do a search for Joe's Juice... It's a solution that you put in your tank to get rid of troublesome anemones. You can also use lemon juice but I've never had that problem so I can't really tell you how to do it. I'm sure someone else will come along though...


Active Member
I've had pretty good luck with lemon juice. Use a drop or two in a syringe and inject it at the base of the anemone. Too much will affect PH so keep that in mind. Do the same for Joes Juice. Repeat if it returns.
If there are no corals on the rock (or if you're sure they are far enough away) you can take it out of the tank and blast it with a crem brule' torch.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
you can take it out of the tank and blast it with a crem brule' torch.
4 out of 5 whackos with Oxy/Accetalene torches agree...........It is by far the most satisfying method.
Also note: No matter what path you choose. it IS mandatory to make the little screaming sounds.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Also note: No matter what path you choose. it IS mandatory to make the little screaming sounds.

I have 3 to nuke. I will definitely use this screaming sound effect you speak of. I don't have access to oxy/acetylene at home so I'll have to settle for butane. Aiptasia, LOOK OUT!


Active Member
So much more satisfying to make the little "OH Noooooo!!! ARRRGGHH!, please spare ME!!!" Sounds when killing aptasia


Active Member

Originally Posted by SaltfinSax
I just use real hot water, as close to boiling and then shot em up with it.
I never can get the water into the specimen before it cools off...but then I'm lucky I don't inject myself
with lemon juice or hot water.


Ok...Boiling water, Lemon juice..and some torch..screaming sound...check will do it tonight. Phew!
so little Glass anemone, so many method to choose from.... heheheh
Thanks Guys!


joes juice does work and comes with a syringe...but after that by kalkwasser and make "joes Juice" at home. for the price of 2 ounces of joes juice u can get kalk dust that will make gallons, just mix in a cup with tank water !
i like to hum the JAWS theme as i move the syringe to the aptasia then do the litle screams


Active Member
A nice mix of Kalkwasser and hot water does nicely also. Very concentrated!
I will have to try the torch method though!

OH Nooooo Mr Bill!.......... (sorry I'm Old)!


Active Member
Originally Posted by TurningTim
A nice mix of Kalkwasser and hot water does nicely also. Very concentrated!
I will have to try the torch method though!

OH Nooooo Mr Bill!.......... (sorry I'm Old)!
This was brough up in past threads but for some reason I usually use french accents when talking on behalf of my tank.
Aptasia tend to always try playing off like lost tourists that got caught at customs.......
"Oh Par-doh. My mistake. I am juhs paszing zrue I ehssure. Please put away zat terrible devices......Perhaps missure is confused..I azsure you I am a harmless. Dohn juss hate eh me because I ehm foreen!."
then followed by screaming "OOOOHHH nooooo Pleeeaaase...Zee Humanity!!!"
See. I really AM a nutjob.


Active Member
Oh man too funny. I have a few i need to dispose of and now will always hear the little polite french accent!
Two words.......... MAPP GAS! I have one that is been sucessfully avoiding me! Now I know it will be gone!
No worries RFB, I never doubted your nutjob-ness!


You could get a beautiful copperbanded butterfly. I hear that they will eat any nuisance anenomes. I have one and he is completely reef safe so far. The only things you need to stay away from are clams and feather dusters. Good luck!