Getting rid of ICH?


We have a 55gallon with 2 clowns and a regal tang. Our Regal has had ich since we got him. Our LFS told us that he would cycle through it. Well it has been about 3 weeks now and he still has it. Some days he has only 1-2 spots and other days he is full! Nothing else in the tank is bothered with it. Should we let him go and continue to cycle through it or should we set up a quarentine tank. If we do place him in a seperate tank how long will it take for him to clear up? and will our main tank also be rid of it for good? He is eating and behaving fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kaseykagan
We have a 55gallon with 2 clowns and a regal tang. Our Regal has had ich since we got him. Our LFS told us that he would cycle through it. Well it has been about 3 weeks now and he still has it. Some days he has only 1-2 spots and other days he is full! Nothing else in the tank is bothered with it. Should we let him go and continue to cycle through it or should we set up a quarentine tank. If we do place him in a seperate tank how long will it take for him to clear up? and will our main tank also be rid of it for good? He is eating and behaving fine.
oh boy here we go, read some of the posts lately and also read the FAQ on this...heres the link just in case....