Well.....I've had it.
They said that Turbo Snails were "reef safe." Great algae eaters etc.... Well...for the second time in two days one of my snails has been just plowing through my coral..eating it right of the rock in big chunks. This morning my big tree coral had been knocked off it's shelf by a snail. Today, they were feeding on my other coral.. I'm done..and I'm either throwing them out the window in the morning or returning them to my LFS as a good will gesture to keep from doing a bad thing. I suppose I could always make escargo... not sure why that seems so cruel when I just had escargo a few weeks ago in a restaurant...but it does seem like a no-no.
I guess I'm unclear what the definition "reef safe" means. These snails are terrorists.
Any other warnings?? I was going to get some starfish....or urchins. Will I have the same problems?? Anything out there that will clean GLASS ONLY!!
They said that Turbo Snails were "reef safe." Great algae eaters etc.... Well...for the second time in two days one of my snails has been just plowing through my coral..eating it right of the rock in big chunks. This morning my big tree coral had been knocked off it's shelf by a snail. Today, they were feeding on my other coral.. I'm done..and I'm either throwing them out the window in the morning or returning them to my LFS as a good will gesture to keep from doing a bad thing. I suppose I could always make escargo... not sure why that seems so cruel when I just had escargo a few weeks ago in a restaurant...but it does seem like a no-no.
I guess I'm unclear what the definition "reef safe" means. These snails are terrorists.
Any other warnings?? I was going to get some starfish....or urchins. Will I have the same problems?? Anything out there that will clean GLASS ONLY!!