Getting Ripped Off Down Under


New Member
How much do u pay for a purple tang, they cost AUS$240, which is $110 US. I then looked at a yellow, they are AUS$120, which is $60 US. How much do you pay on average for these fish?


Active Member
Depending on size...I have seen a purple as low as $65.00 and as high as $130.00. Ive seen yellows as low as $7.00 (at *****) and as high as $35.00. There are some way lower prices on the net those were LFS prices.


MI prices are:
purple tang = range from $70 to $150 depending on size
yellow tang = range from $20 to $40 depending on size
hope this helps...
Coastal NC Small purple tangs run $90 and small yellow tangs run $25.
We are coming to Australia in Oct 2003 for a Mission convention in Sydney. Planning to stay another week after the convention. Any pointers on what city to stay in and sites to see?
Sorry your fish are so expensive...can I bring you some when I come? Will take 30 hours to get there on the plane.