getting something new


i need some ideas for adding to my 20 gallon it has a 65 watt light strip. i already have some shroooms and 1 polyp. need some cool ideas to what i should add going to lfs in the next 2 hours. will take fish and inverts ideas


I picked up 2 peppermint shrimp that hang upside down in my live rock. I also have a couple of hermits and a moon snail. As far a fish, 1 damsel and 1 pajama cardinal. My yellow clown goby went missing last week. Another cool additional would be a feather duster.
I have a bunch of polyps, hairy mushroom and watermelon mushroom, frogspawn and a Xenia. Looks great having a variety of fish, corals and inverts in your tank.


i already have my clean up crew and a pepermint shrimp that just likes to dance around i have a blue green chromis. i have some shrooms and i just came home with some more polyps and a small kenya tree that is about an inch tall that i only paid 6 bucks for wish i had paid that much for my polyps but o well water was fine had it tested.
thanks and keep the ideas coming