getting started again


New Member
So, over a year ago I shut down my tank. I gave the fish to friends. I have a 29 gal long tank with CF 35 watt lighting. I used a 50/50 bulb. I have a skimmer and a eheim pro filter. I kept everything. there is a white (calcium) hard coating over some items do I need to scrub this off or will it dissolve?
Here is my plan start up the 29 gallon tank with what I have. Then buy MH lighting and a larger tank. I am thinking 75-100 gal. once I get both I will move the 30 gal to a sump and put LR and algy in it with the CF lighting. Would the CF lighting be enough for the sump. Here is the flow display tank to sump to eheim filter to display tank.
Would the sump work with a 75-100 gal tank? What watts do I need if I use MH what about T-5? I plan on having some coral but nothing hard core. Just frags,zoanthids and lps if i can.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by poetassium http:///forum/thread/382384/getting-started-again#post_3336862
So, over a year ago I shut down my tank. I gave the fish to friends. I have a 29 gal long tank with CF 35 watt lighting. I used a 50/50 bulb. I have a skimmer and a eheim pro filter. I kept everything. there is a white (calcium) hard coating over some items do I need to scrub this off or will it dissolve?
Here is my plan start up the 29 gallon tank with what I have. Then buy MH lighting and a larger tank. I am thinking 75-100 gal. once I get both I will move the 30 gal to a sump and put LR and algy in it with the CF lighting. Would the CF lighting be enough for the sump. Here is the flow display tank to sump to eheim filter to display tank.
Would the sump work with a 75-100 gal tank? What watts do I need if I use MH what about T-5? I plan on having some coral but nothing hard core. Just frags,zoanthids and lps if i can.

Welcome to the site!
Why would you need lights for the sump? I think what you mean is a refugium with microalgae and rubble rock, the CF lighting would do very well but I think a regular bulb would too.. I will have a 24g sump and 18g refugium on my 90g ..equaling a 28g capacity since I have to add the sand, rock, skimmer and what not, so on a 75g tank a 30g sump should be fine.
Soaking the old equipment in vinigar might work, if it is too calcified on the inside you may have to replace it.
You could always soak it in CLR and then soak it clear water and rinse it like crazy to make sure the CLR is gone off of it.
I don't know anything about T-5 but 150 to 250 MH are great for any corals that like light.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that size sump could work. For me the lighting would really depend on excactly what tank you do get. 75G tanks typically are a little shorter than 90g or 100g tanks. So for a 75G I would probably just do some T5 lighting. A 90G or 100G I would look into a 6 bulb T5 fixture or look into 250W metal halide and T5 combo.
The CF light should be fine for macro algea in the sump but I would probably switch bulbs to a 6500k daylight bulb.
Welcome to the site!
Oh and they frown upon posting links to competitors websites here. Just a heads up.


New Member
I know that this a debated topic and all ideas will be taken into consideration. Lighting for the tank an all in one 400 w MH with like 50 W of t5 or a diy 3X250 W 2X 10k and 1X 20k MH light? I know I need cooling fans.
So far as cleaning the stuff I think I am going to set everything up and see what I can just wash and scrub off. I am going to let the tank start slow just set it up for a month and add LS and LR and let everything get settled. I am unemployed at the time but have a job offer... so when the time rolls around I will be ready to add fish. I need to find a pet store that sells this SW stuff here in Muncie Indiana


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by poetassium http:///forum/thread/382384/getting-started-again#post_3336901
I know that this a debated topic and all ideas will be taken into consideration. Lighting for the tank an all in one 400 w MH with like 50 W of t5 or a diy 3X250 W 2X 10k and 1X 20k MH light? I know I need cooling fans.
So far as cleaning the stuff I think I am going to set everything up and see what I can just wash and scrub off. I am going to let the tank start slow just set it up for a month and add LS and LR and let everything get settled. I am unemployed at the time but have a job offer... so when the time rolls around I will be ready to add fish. I need to find a pet store that sells this SW stuff here in Muncie Indiana

Well I hope the job comes through! It sure is hard to find a job nowadays. SWF has great critters..and they stand behind the guarantee they offer. So if you can't find a LFS this place rocks.


Active Member
I'd soak the equipment in vinegar to remove the white crusting.
As far as the lighting the 400W MH isn't debatable....Yes it's way overkill !!!!!
(3) 250W MH's over the tank is way overkill
(2) 250W MH's are more than what you need. T5's with quality bulbs and reflectors would also allow you to keep anything you wanted. Honestly though with the over use of the MH's you'll have nothing but heat issues even with cooling fans.