Getting Started Up


New Member
I'm not entirely sure about what all I need but I am wanting to start a small reef tank.
I am looking at a 20gal long without molding. I was quoted $241 for the tank, protein skimmer, filter, and lighting. Basically everything I need to get started before I start putting LR and LS in and then fish and corals.
As for fish here's what I would like to have in there, I'm not putting all of these in there this is just what I like, any suggestions are welcomed however.
Coral Beauty or Flame Angel
Percula Clown
Flame Hawkfish
Mandarin Goby
Royal Grama
Purple Lobster
I'm not sure what corals to get but I would like an attractive tank so I figured I'd start with an anenome for the clown, possibly a small brain, bubble coral, Green eye zoos, etc. Any other suggestions along with pictures so I know what they are and what they look like? I also would like to have a clam as well. Any pointers from you more experienced reef guys would be appreciated.


Active Member
im not an expert but i dont think an angel would do good in that size. if you get a 29 gallon i think its possible. it may even be possible but thats just my opinion. if you decided to get an angel add it very last.
i heard that anenomes tend to not do that good in tanks. i think they get big and can knock stuff down. im not sure though. but i would not start off with an anenome as your first coral. i would get some zoos. that was my first coral and they are pretty hardy. mine has been threw a lot but its still alive. i finally got my tank set up right though.
clams require a lot of lighting and are for the experts. i would wait a long time till you get one and i think you would need MH lighting for that. but once again im not an expert.


Active Member
I believe the rule in saltwater is 1 fish for 10 gallons of water. Pick you fav two. I like the mandarin its cool.