getting started

captn bob

:help: Hello all, I just joined up and am glad to see such a web site exist. I recently moved to the Ozarks here in N.E. Arkansas, and am having great difficulty finding the simplelist pet shops that sell aquariums, leave alone salt water. I have been away from this hobby for a number of years and am now able to once again get back into it. I have read numerous articles and have noticed how the hobby has evoled, since I was in it 30 some years ago. My problem is I can't find any aquariums for sale in the area. I am looking for one between a 70 and 100 gallons, preferably with stand and top. Any help would be appreciated. Anxiously waiting a reply, Captn bob. Thanks

sinner's girl

keep an eye open in the classifeds, here and in your newspaper. Let your lfs know you are looking for one, they may call you if they get a used one.
If all else fails, maybe you'll need to make a day trip somewhere to pick one up. Call around and see what the stores outside your area have. Ask your lfs if they know of anyone in the area who sells them. If you see another people in the store who have swf tanks, ask them where they got thier tanks at.

captn bob

sinners girl, thanksfor the sugestions I have ran ads in the local papers with out much luck I will keep an eye on the classifiedson this site ,as far as big cities go Im about 3hrs away but I may have to make the run. Ive seen plenty of complete set ups on ---- but all require cust. pickup so far the closest? one is about 400 mi. out but will keep looking. thanks again. captn. bob