Getting started


New Member
I'm new to the marine aquarium world and have a few questions about setting up my first tank. I am looking to set up my 74 gallon tank into a reef system and would appreciate any advice on the topic of filtration systems. I am looking into getting a wet/dry system but am unsure what is the best name. Let me know what you have used and why you like it, ease of use, price, etc.
Also if you could tell me if undergravel filters are a good or bad thing for salt water systems.
Thanks for all your help.


Sames as stated above ^
Wet Dry is the way to go. but the CPR is a little cleaner. Make sure if you will use fishes that you have enough bio media to cultivate enough bacteria. If you use an under the tank Wet Dry you may want to do some "Do it yourself" rigging and attach a small chemical filtration device. The CPR has the skimmer already.
If you get much into the reefs visit this site - Much information and the methods used and advertised are good for the reefs in the world. Keep us up to date.


first off you will need about 70 lbs of live sand followed up by 75 -100 lbs live rock let it cycle about 3 weeks in add a protin skimmer. also make sure you have a few power heads in there to keep water going round and round and round (get the point
)after about 5 -6 weeks later (make sure you check Ammonia and nitrite levels) by then the brown alge will start growing and get a few turbos and hermits then a brittle star and sea cucumber they keep the sand clean also 3 cleaner shrimp and 3 pepperment shrimp.