Getting started


I am getting my new tank this week and want to turn my old tank, a 55 gallon, into a reef tank. What should be the first things that I do to get things going and what would you guys consider essentials in having a reef tank?


I appreciate the replies. That's just it, you know more than I. I want a good way to get my feet wet with minimal loss. I do have a sump and I can get any kind of lighting. This is why I asked. What is easiest to begin with? Is that still too broad?:confused:


Hey K9 - where ya at in Texas.
To really over simplify things to get started all you really need is your mechanical, biologica, and chemical filtration. In a reef tank your live rock/live sand can provide bio and chem filtration. For mechanical filtration you need a protein skimmer.
So at the very least to get started you need:
1. Live Rock
2. Live Sand
3. A protien Skimmer
4. Lighting
5. Powerheads or pumps to provide current
Now depending on how you want that equipment situated can be complicated. Hang on the back, inside the display, underneath the display, above the display???
Your ligting options for a reef tank are either:
Metal Halides
Very High Output Floresents (VHO)
Power Compact Florescents
I think PC are the most economical, but you can shop around. Metal Halides are going to cost some serious cash but if your serious about the hobby it may be the way to go.


I'm in DFW. Thanks for your help. So you think 2 emperor 400 for a 55 gallon with a skimmer is enough?


Active Member
If you can get any lighting you want and cost is not an issue you may want to look into a Metal Halide/VHO combination. It is considering one of the best lighting setups in the hobby that will pretty much allow you to keep any coarl you want. Many of us in the hobby jump in pinky toe 1st and buy a low end to medium lighting system then have to turn around in 6 months and spend $ again to get what they really want. The others have given you the main components that you need to get started so just take your time and don't try to fill your tank up too quickly!
Here are a few links that may be helpful. I wrote a lot of this stuff over a year and a half ago so a lot of the info about my own system is a little stale but a lot of the info may still be useful.
Hope that helps some! Good luck!


I live in Euless too! Small world. I get my fish and supplies from Pet Village in Duncanville or a new place on Grapevine Hwy in NRH. Thanks for all the help guys