getting to 50???


i know, i know - this has been covered by most of you, but i'm a little slow...and afraid of cameras!! i also noticed that there are quite a few who didn't post any pictures. so, if you (other) slackers put one on here, so will i :D but, like i said, i am terrified of cameras, so for now this will have to do: lol;)


well, have you posted one yet? don't be shy :rolleyes: actually, i don't even have many of myself - i took these on a trip. i left my face out of this one for a reason...i don't think i was wearing the "exhilarated" look i was supposed to - i was ready to pee my pants! and the rest were from carlos n' charlies in cozumel - NOT quality pictures (ha ha ha)! :eek: :D