getting very upset with hypo

ok, i did what EVERYONE on here told me to do, hypo, i read everything there was to read on here about it, did it right, the tank has been up for close to 5 months, so stable, yet ive lost 4 fish and about to loss my 5th, and getting very pissed! someone tell me how this is better then using copper based meds? or freshwater dip? because im not understanding how lossing all my fish to hypo is better then them having ich. ive lost over $100 in fish within 5 days, all of them in hypo, all doing just fine before hypo. IMO if i were anyone with ich, i would NEVER do hypo, you will loss your fish, even if you do what everyone tells you to do! not worth it to me, get meds or dip them, your better off.
my SG is at 1.010, used 2 different tests to make sure, ph is fine, everything is fine but the fact there in hypo, they had ich, not all of them, just a few of them, and the ones WITHOUT ich are dead too, so its not that. i have heard from MANY people on this board AFTER i started hypo that they also lost lots of fish to hypo, so if its for "experienced hobbyists" then why are so many people saying its bad? even the LFS around here said it is very stressful on fish. ive lost my fish, and thats the bottem line, ich didnt kill them, the ph was fine and some of them didnt even have anything what so ever wrong with them, but went in because i was told "its the best thing for them" and there dead, they have been very stressed this past week but were fine before the hypo, not a thing wrong besides the spots, so if your thinking of doing hypo, dont, i would ask your LFS for help.


Active Member
Do you have any fish in the tank still? If you do, then look very closely at their eyes. Do you see any slight hazyness in them at all? The reason I ask is because the ich or the hypo may not be the main reason your fish are dieing, but may be contributing.
I have been seeing an incredible amount of a parasite that distributors call the "Bali fluke" and they are very difficult to get rid of. They are not easily noticed which makes it difficult to recognize. I have talked to many distributors, and they say the Bali fluke is a seasonal parasite that is in full force right now, and unfortunately freshwater dips are the only way they know if to effectively get rid of them. This just means it is even more important to properly quarantine fish before they are added to a display. Have you tried a freshwater dip on any of the fish? If they have the Bali Fluke then you might probably see as many as 40 or 50 small white objects flaking off your fish.
one of our percs had it over his eyes, but NONE of the other fish did, and im sure of that, we checked when we saw it on the perc. as far as freshwater dipping, we didnt do it because we were told it was curel, well i guess i should have, because hypo is cruel as well, seems as how my fish might have lived if someone told me that before. i have 2 fish left, one is almost dead, and the other could die too, im very pissed, i guess next time ill do what I think is right, and that is dip no matter what.


Active Member
Well these are the only parasites that I would recommend doing a freshwater dip help get rid of (that still doesn't cure it). Doesn't do much good with ick. I would definitely say its time to invest in a quarantine tank before you start adding fish to the tank again. Hypo isn't cruel to fish either...


a FW dip is not cruel and it also has no effect on the treatment of ich. the dip will only kill off some of the ich parasites attached to the fish and not the parasites in the tank that will continue to multiply.
the only way hypo can kill your fish is if you do it too quickly (i.e. dropping the salinity in a matter of hours as opposed to days) or if you drop it below 11ppt. the latter is common if your using a swing hydrometer instead of a refractometer. swing hydometer are not accurate enough to measure hyposalinity.
Both of these scenarios would be "user error" and not the fault of the hypo treatment. it is the best treatment for ICH, IMO.
i've done 3 treatments of hypo in the past with extremely sensative fish (achilles tang, butterflies) and never had any problems.