Getting water to the sump


In a 55 gal. glass tank with no holes cut in it how would you get the water to the sump?
What equipment would be used? And could you explain the process? thanks


New Member
You would use an overflow box. Do Not attempt to make one yourself. That's from Mr Salty. CPR makes good ones but there are others. They hang on the back and part goes into the water and the other hangs over the back. You create a siphon usually through a "U" tube that takes the water from the water side to the other. There is a hole in the overflow box where you can attach some flexible tubing or you can hard plum it. Probably better to use flex though. Gravity will take the water to the sump. Hope that helps.
Tom :)
[ April 16, 2001: Message edited by: TDP ]


Thanks Tom for the info. One more question.
Do they make them in different sizes to allow more water to move. Do they use bigger siphon tube or do they use more then one? Thanks again.