Ghost Eel questions


Active Member
Ok, so I've been going to my lfs for a long time and there's a ghost eel there. But I really don't know much about them. It's kind of hard to really find a lot of reading material on them. I know they get around 20 inches and can be escape artists but what size tank required?? What foods do they like?? I know they're carnivorous but is there a preference?? Any information would be appreciated.


I got one and he is a pretty hardy guy, as far as tank size bigger is alwyas better and with the length of these guys the more swimming the better. As far as them eating the normal meaty foods should do. But I had a hell of a time getting him to eat frozen it took at least a month, then about two months later Iwent to feed him and my SFE caught the sent and attcked the Ghost by accident. Since then I have had trouble geting him to eat frozen so I am gut loading ghost shrimp and inject gupies with marine vitamins to suppliment good luck


Active Member
Ok, thanks for the info. We're currently working on a setup for the little guy. I'm excited. This will be my first eel and my first aggressive fish. That's the reason for asking so many questions. Love to learn as much as possible about the animals I keep.