Ghost shrimp nutrional facts


I'm feeding my banded shark ghost shrimp now and my LFS told me to feed ghost shrimp to him only for a month then i can start feeding him seafood. I dont now if this is right:notsure: I have been feeding him 3ghost shrimp every night. how healthy is the ghost shrimp. Whats a good seafood item to feed him? silver sides? thanks


im not sure about the shark but just about every other aggressivbe fish ive seen it was recommended to feed silver sides so i think it could work


ghost shrimp are better than FW feeders but recall that these are freshwater ghost shrimp, not brackish nor salt, and they would be lacking many of the important HUFAs. Thats said I can recommend feeding ghost shrimp no more than 1 month to establish your fish, then switch to prepared SW based foods.
Now your shark, i would tell you that you should be feeding this guy, Sw based foods, I've seen people use squid chunks, silversides, crab meat, etc. Thats the only way these guys will get the appropiate HUFA and nutrients. In the wild sharks don't eat many FW ghost shrimp. hey maybe your LFS is correct


sounds to me like hes already eastblished in your tank, i would start adding squid chunks, crab meat, sliversides and see what he likes to eat.
To address your Q?. I would recommend you feed enuf shrimp to see a small bulge in his belly (called satiation)