Giant hawkfish


I was wondering if anyone has a giant hawkfish. Also if could. I had one, it was my favorite fish, but it got eaten by my moray eel
. Also another problem they are a rare fish, (and in my tank, a rare delicasy.) Anyway just curious if anyone here had one.


Active Member
I don't have one but I think I saw your picture of one and thought it looked awesome so I investigated a bunch only to discover they get way to big for my tank. However, I couldn't find any online where I was looking. Where did you get your first one??


Active Member
My store has had two in the past couple of months, but those two times were the only times I have seen them for sale. The first was small, around 6 inches, and the one we currently have is about a foot and it came from someone's already established 215 gallon tank. It was bullying all of the fish in there, from a moray eel to a huge volitan lion. Awesome fish though, and they do get pretty large (18 inches).


It is a very nice fish. Petjunkie, i got mine at a lfs up in Jersey. It was the only one they had, and havent gotten anymore for a couple of months.