giant hermit crab


i bought myself a giant hermit crab yesterday (about the size of a tennis ball) i put him in my tank and within minutes he had killed 2 gorrilla crabs (that i didnt even know i had). he seems to be incredibbly hungry so i have been giving him calamari rings (uncooked ofcourse) to keep him occupied lol. what i'd like to know is how often should i give him some food? and is the calamari rings ok for him?


Active Member
That is ok for him to eat, but offer him other stuff also, like shrimp, silversides, and so on. And, PLEASE post a picture, I love hermit crabs. Make sure you have a few shells that are larger then the one he is in, they like to change their shells often.


Active Member
oh, those batteries always seem to disapear when you really need them. :notsure:
By the way, love your avatar picture.


just watch out for corals if you have any.... i had this awsome hermit and he wiped out most of my coral stock.


haha thanks, she watches the fish for ages and tries to catch them....... silly kitty
well i have a tongue coral (my first coral doing REALLY well) and he hasnt seemed to bother it at all


I had a hermit that big and it was hell on my tank, he was on a killing spree, snails, urchins, anything he could catch he would kill and eat- he got traded. Never again...


yeah they are pretty destructive. i love them too but they have to be in more of a fish only tank, not reef, but good luck.


Saw a huge ol' hermit in the LFS the other night and it was kind of scary . . . this sucker's shell was bigger than a tangerine and it looked like the little beastie filled it up pretty well.
Looked like he'd rampage through a tank like Godzilla through a miniaturized balsawood city.


Originally Posted by f14peter
Saw a huge ol' hermit in the LFS the other night and it was kind of scary . . . this sucker's shell was bigger than a tangerine and it looked like the little beastie filled it up pretty well.
Looked like he'd rampage through a tank like Godzilla through a miniaturized balsawood city.

and thats pretty much what mine DID do lol
i traded him last week and got a SFE,
had him eating out of my hand tonight.
btw i got myself another tank 3" and im making that a reef (long term) and my 100gal an aggressive tank


Active Member
Is he red w/white spots? If so, I had one and I was told they are not good, as other people described of their hermit crab, they said he'd wreak havok as well as get HUGE--10-12". When I gave him to my lfs to give away to someone the guy said he had one that destroyed everything he could in his tank. If this is what you have, I'd consider getting rid of him if you don't think your tank inhabitants can handle him.