Giant Red Carpet Anemone. About 20"


My LFS has a giant carpet anenome and i am going to take a picture of it to post sometime this week. The owner asked me if i could find someone to buy it. What do u guys think something like that is worth? Also if any are interested let me know.


Active Member
they are generally highly desired. Price is always what the market will bear. Large Red will probably be in neighborhood of 100 or more. seen crazy posting about them going for 400 and other such nutty amounts, but they are around just be patient if he quotes something outrageous.
Hey your in California, central, I am interested if price is right. Where is it located? Please dont say O street or Capitol. those places are dives.......


Hey i am in Salinas Ca, but LFS i go to is in Marina California. It is like 5 minutes away from Monterey. Im not sure if you know where that is but i didnt get a price on it but next time I go in ill ask for you. It is really huge. I think it will be priced much over 100 maybe around 400 like you said.


The store is called Picture Perfect. Here is their website *Link Removed* Hopefully im allowed to post that...its not really compitition i dont think


Active Member
I am going to be in Monterey on the 20th next month on some business. Send a price and pics to my email. If I take him, I would pay right away but he would need to be housed untill that date if possible. They are durable for shipping but I would prefer to pick up in person.


No problem reef for brains...I will stop by there during the week with my camera and get a price and a pic. Watch for my post.


Active Member
They talk some pretty hefty talk on thier site. But I know I cant drive by a shop without stopping so I am sure to see them on the 20th either way.


Active Member
GreyMach, you're welcome to fish for a reasonable price, but do not attempt to sell it through this forum at all.
That aside, red carpets would definitely go for more than 100. They wholesale for $150 last time I got one, which was two weeks ago. They usually sell for $400-800 depending on how good it looks and how long they're willing to hold on to it before the right customer comes along.


Active Member
Having to pay "what the market will bare" is the symptom of a free market economy where competition has been eliminated, colluded with or bought out.
It is also a recipe for sudden and catastrophic failure of that free market economy. Don't say I did not warn you.
I could go on a much more lengthy rant about this but people don't generally start paying attention until they are standing in the soup line.


Active Member
You wear alot of Khaki by any chance Murph?. I see you sitting in a room with a poster of Carl Marx in the background. Strong stance and I can admire the conviction, but sounds pretty off course in my book.
Well at 400 he can keep it thats for sure. Sure someone may buy it, but thats rediculous in my book for a RCA. Be happy to check it out nonetheless


sorry to tell you but it is probably not worth more than 25 send it to me and i will send you 25 dollars :hilarious