Ginger Cure for Ich---oh man


Staff member
Hey Terry, what's up with the theory that ginger cures ich?...Sounds like another hairbrain idea to me. What's your take?


Beth you mean you haven't tried Silvia Browne the Pet psychic to help cure ick yet?...Its all the rage :D :D
Perhaps we could come up with our own Marine Herbal and make a mint. :rolleyes:
Personally I like to slice a few vidallia onions and put them in the sump. :p


Staff member
Yeah, I saw several stuff over at -- that made my eyes pop out today. They are really getting werid over there.
However, I have some vague recollection of the "ginger" receipe, or maybe I'm just getting senile. Not saying there is any validity to it but was just wonder if Terry had heard anything about it.
Hey, any time anyone comes up with a reciepe for curing ich that does not involve QT or taking fish out of the display to cure, then you will have 100 people willing to try it. That is how snake oil salemen made there living way back when.....:rolleyes:


Staff member

Originally posted by Thomas712
Beth you mean you haven't tried Silvia Browne the Pet psychic to help cure ick yet?...Its all the rage :D :D

Don't laugh! I was going to contact Animal Planet to see if Silvia could read my python's mind! Apparently Nukem [my pet snake] just isn't as happy as he used to be and I want to know if it was something I did! :(