Giving Something Back


Active Member
I've been on this board on and off for a couple of years. I've learned tons and have tried to share with those new to the hobby.
I decided to share some of the things I have done in regards to auto top off and refugium to give some of the new folks an idea of what can work. The following is just that. I'm not an expert, but I am starting to understand some of the basics. Hopefully someone just starting out or maybe those who've been around it for awhile can get some ideas or gleen some information.
Here is my complete system. 125 RR. lighting is 3x150 mh with 4x96 pc. return from sump a mag 12 about 150 lbs of lr and about a 3" sand bed:
In the first pic is the system with the fuge above right and auto top off below right.
The 2nd pic is the fuge itself. Relatively new with blade, feather culerpa, cheato, gracilia (sp) lr rubble and is settling in. Still battling a cyano issue but according to others it will soon go away.
The 3rd pic shows the bulkhead drain coming from the fuge to the DT. I supply the fuge with a maxi 900 and have another maxi in the fuge for additional circulation.
The next 2 show the drain coming back to the DT.



Active Member
Here are pics of the auto top off with both the lid on and off.
And some pics of the auto top off in the sump, the skimmer and the whole sump system.
I hope this helps someone trying to grasp some of the things discussed on the board and again.
Many thanks to all who have shared so much with me over the years.



Active Member
WOW!! GAWGEOUS TANK!! U deserve a cookie...
How about some more pics of your TANK?!?!?! Keep it up! I hope someday my tank can look 1/8 that good!