Giving up on my lights


So I am giving up opn getting any corals that require good lighting till I can actually get the lights I want. So what are some good corals that I can get with my wondeful 13 watt 50/50 PC lights on my 12 gallon tank? I am giving up bc I got a 20 dollar piece of xenia just so I could see if I copuld get that to work and it didnt. So, can I get sun corals? Thats the only thing I have really seen so far that isn't too hard. I'm not going to get gorgonian. From what I have read they are way too hard.


Sun coral is non-photosynthetic, so it would do ok, but feeding them every other day could cause a problem in a 12 gallon tank, there is a whole lot of extra food that floats away when feeding them So it could eventually cause problems with so much extra food in the tank.
I do not think that there are any coral that could live under 13 watts in a 12 gallon tank. MABYE mushrooms right under the water level with the light very close to the water, but i dont even know if those would make it.


Shop around on here, or on a local reefers club site. just post what kind of lights you are looking for, and you can probably find a really good deal on some used lights. Used lights for a 12 gallon would not be very expensive.