giving up on reef tank


Active Member
ok before everyone starts asking for my stuff....i going to keep it a for whatever reason i can't get my corals to stay alive, but the fish do fine i have tried and i have some zoos and gsp and a xenia that will just stay in there with the fish i already have...very frustrating but some people have a green thumb and some don' i'm sure it is the same in salt some have it some don' its fish only...for me there any cool fish that can stay with the corals that i have left.....thanks again for all the reef help but now i'll look for direction on fish only...which i know i can do...thanks


depending on lighting system or additives put in the tank corals should be fine but u should wait 2 months so ur bio-filter system(LS and LR) kik in
i dont even have a salt tank but i pick up alot of things cruising the forums :D


Active Member
they just take a turn for the worst...doing great for weeks if not months then bomb first i think iwa my trail and errors but now everything is good water lighting, no fish nipping....but i do love the fish andso does my 2 year old so, its not for nothing we still have the fish.....


Allow me to make a suggestion based on my limited experience. If you are certain that you want to do away with all corals and keep FOWLR get a Hawaiian spotted puffer. Mine had the best personality and didn't fight with my clowns or gobies. He did pick on my cc star though.
I say "had" because I took him back to the LFS for store credit today.
I didn't realize my wife would let me upgrade my lighting (to keep corals) so soon or I never would have purchased him. Who would have thought I'd be heartbroken over a fish?

The good news is my rose bulb anemone came in today. Here she is under just actinic lights:


oops! The photo didn't attach. Please ignore the water marks on the glass. I haven't cleaned up from adding the new critters.