glass anemones they are dead tonight


Active Member
Thats a good question. Boiling water wont kill them unless you get every last one. Dont think peperments eat em. Idk what you can do.


Active Member
If they are a type of apista then some peps ell eat em. But joes juice would work but not sure if it will take them all out.


New Member
I had them all over the place. Bought a peppermint shrimp and have not seen one since. He seemed to ignore them for a week or so then one day they were gone never to be seen again.


ya but i'm still in my cycle.. so worth a try..
oh i have something that looks like the glass ones but they are brown in colour..?? are they the same...


well tonight isn't going to happen for though little Ba tards.. will be tomoor for sure... hot water going to exploide them i hope.. any one want to buy pictures...


well 2 gone.. 1 more hiding.. very small one... dipped the rock in hot water.... then whiped it down with paper...
Any idea on the ones that look BROWN?? should i do the same to them????


Active Member
i believe the black ones are still aptasias.... if they look all the same but are different colors, its still the same thing.


Originally Posted by nYgel
i believe the black ones are still aptasias.... if they look all the same but are different colors, its still the same thing.
