Glass cleaning

I have several 24G aquapods and have trouble scraping the algae off the front because of the curve in the glass and the large amount of rock in the tank which is relatively close to the glass...
I made a scraper that works by attaching one of the old style thin razor blades to a works ok but I'd like something a little sturdier...
Anybody know of anything?
anybody have any suggestions on snails? the turbos don't get it all


Active Member
Excellent! Just a word of advice, be ready to wait for 2 weeks. Don't know if you will have to but be ready to. Jerome makes these himself, not a factory, and he gets to it when he can. That said I have never heard of anyone not getting it and there are numerous posts on other sites about him and the Nimble. Just let it take it's course. I e-mailed him after 7 working days to see where he was with my order. Got mine in 10 working days.
Like anything else in this hobby, patience is golden I guess.