Glass covers


I removed the hinged glass cover from 1 side of my 75 gal. to see if it makes a difference in lighting. I have 2-65w 10k and 2-65w actinic pcs. It appears to improve slightly but my eyes are not that great. If it does I will use egg-crate to keep my fish from jumping out and I also have a wood canopy. Does it really help?...........Thanks.


I've read where some are concerned with the lights heating and wood canopies.
Only thing I can think of is without the glass cover, your evaporation will be more than with the cover.
you'll also have to clean your lights more without the glass cover as the salt creep will settle on the light box and light cover as well.


I wouldn't take the cover off personally. Since evaporation is of course water, and water + electricity = bad things.


Active Member
Yes it helps to remove the glass tops. It helps with lighting, gas exchange (this is a BIG one, gas exchange is very important) and temperature... yes the evaporation will increase but that's no big deal. More evaporation will also help with cooling and allow you to drip more limewater if desired... if not you'll just have to add a little more topoff water.
How high are the lights from the water surface?? You may need to clean the bulbs every now and again but again, no big deal. Just wipe them down with RO water and a soft cloth.


The lights are coralife lunar aqualights and they are right on top of the tank. They do have there own built-in glass cover. They have 2 fans and I have been running them with the canopy over them and my tank temp stays right at 79-80. thanks again for your help.


I removed my glass tops and went with an egg crate looks better also I dont have to deal with salt crep on the glass.


If you have decent lighting and a refuge, you should keep your glass covers on. Your refuge should produce oxygenation.
You Can do far more damage by having salinity swings via evaporation, unless your on top of your top off's.


Active Member
I use eggcrate as well and am very happy with it so far. I keep distilled water next to my tank and make sure my water levels are always in the right spot.