Glass eating puffer?



So I have this LITTLE stars and stripes puffer in QT, about 2.5" long. Not really a fish I intend to keep, I got it from someone who was getting out of the hobby and wanted to flush the little guy. So I'm keeping it in QT until I find it a home.
Anyway, this little puffer just bit a chunk out of my glass thermometer!
I'm sitting here working and I here a clink sound, I look in the tank and the puffer bit like the lower part completely off, then spit the glass out. All the little metal beads in the thermometer are on the bottom of the tank, I had to suck them up. Luckily he didn't break the red liquid part. Puffer seems ok, I don't think the black beads contaminated the water or anything.
Just weird, I didn't know puffers ate glass.


Active Member
My porky puffer in my previous munched 2....I was just dipping them in too and he attacked them....Crazy fish.


Active Member
It's not that red liquid part in the thermometer you need to worry about. It's the silver mercury in the center tube...

crypt keeper

Active Member
Mercury is the probably the coolest metal in the world. When I was in middle school this kid stole two gallon jugs of it. We were stupid and had no idea what could had happened. Anyway. We would play with it and throw it down the hallway. That stuff would just glide over the floor with ease. It woyld go all the way down and hit a wall and explode into a million smaller puddles. The fire department came. Shut down the school. It was awesome when you're 12


Luckily he didn't get to the mercury tube in the middle.
lol, yea... I used to play with mercury when I was a kid too. We would break a thermometer and push the little beads around. Coolest liquid ever!
Not that I'm advising anyone to go play around with it.


Active Member
Mercury the SAME stuff that is in CFL's T5 light bulbs. Yet we are considered GREEN if we use them however if those bulbs break we have to CALL a haz-mat team in to clean up the mess they make.


New Member
Very interesting now you have me thinking some...I have a 7" porky puffer in my tank and wondering if I should be concerned if he wants to take a bite out of my powerhead cord? I figure it would be instant death for the little guy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
Mercury is the probably the coolest metal in the world. When I was in middle school this kid stole two gallon jugs of it. We were stupid and had no idea what could had happened. Anyway. We would play with it and throw it down the hallway. That stuff would just glide over the floor with ease. It woyld go all the way down and hit a wall and explode into a million smaller puddles. The fire department came. Shut down the school. It was awesome when you're 12
That is awesome! And I'm older than 12.
Originally Posted by BKL911TT

Very interesting now you have me thinking some...I have a 7" porky puffer in my tank and wondering if I should be concerned if he wants to take a bite out of my powerhead cord? I figure it would be instant death for the little guy.
lol, yeah, fortunately my puffer never was a biter. But there was a local guy whose puffer ate through his power head cords. He was ok, since it tripped his GFI.