Glass Lids on Tanks


Just out of curiousity, I was wondering how many of you all use lids on your tank, and what your thoughts are either way.
I currently use them, but only in an effort to slow down water evaporation. The only fish that I have in my 75 gallon are a Pwdr Brn Tang, Blue Hippo Tang, Clown, Royal Gramma, 2 Chromis, Lawnmower Blenny, and a Watchman Gobby. None of which are jumpers as far as I know. I also have alot of corals including LPS, Zoas, Shrooms, and one Acro. I also have a Crocea Clam that I can't tell if it is happy or not. I took my lids off yesterday, and I noticed the lighting was alot nicer, and might make my clam feel a little better. I am running T5 4x54watts lights.
Let me know what you all think.


Active Member
My tank is open. Evaporation isn't a bad thing, plus having an open top helps with gas exchange and prevents salt creep from blocking out your light.


Well-Known Member

MH lights heat up real bad so thats why I can't use the glass lids I had. Eggcrate with mesh glued to it, will help stop any jumpers.


New Member
I"m using glass lids on my 125 but I'm looking for a way to get rid of them for something else since it looks a lot nicer without the glass and the heating up issue is constantly bothering me. I have some jumpers, hence why I need my tank covered

Originally Posted by Flower

MH lights heat up real bad so thats why I can't use the glass lids I had. Eggcrate with mesh glued to it, will help stop any jumpers.

Have you had any issues with the eggcrate melting or something? I'm running 3 x 250w MH on my 125g. I was thinking of using this, but it blocks the light a bit and I worry that it might melt or something


Active Member
Mine is wide open -- hate the glass lids as they are always building humidity, get dirty, and less light comes through (why pay so much for halide lighting and not get the full effect?).
Plus the gas exhange is a good thing. My evaporation is pretty high but gives me something to do everyday lol.