Glass Maintenance (1, 3, 4 sides)


In my debate of what style of aquascaping I plan to use (island effect, wall effect, etc) I wondered how much it matters on being able to clean the glass on each side.
I would imagine with a wall effect, you commit to NOT cleaning the back of the aquarium and let the "cleaner crew" do as much or as little as it naturally takes place.
With other options in aquascaping, you can leave room on all 4 sides to use a scraper or magnet.
While this may be a silly question, what is more common when maintaining glass cleanliness? Do you keep the front only as clean as possible, front and sides, or all 4 sides?
Thanks in advance.


Im debating the same thing I currently have an island but I like the wall look. Hope you get some answers I can use as well.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by abclemen http:///t/391032/glass-maintenance-1-3-4-sides#post_3465796
In my debate of what style of aquascaping I plan to use (island effect, wall effect, etc) I wondered how much it matters on being able to clean the glass on each side.
I would imagine with a wall effect, you commit to NOT cleaning the back of the aquarium and let the "cleaner crew" do as much or as little as it naturally takes place.
With other options in aquascaping, you can leave room on all 4 sides to use a scraper or magnet.
While this may be a silly question, what is more common when maintaining glass cleanliness? Do you keep the front only as clean as possible, front and sides, or all 4 sides?
Thanks in advance.
When I first started out I had my tank as a divider of rooms...the equipment was on the front and back were kept clean and the rock was in the center.
Later I moved...the right side of the tank was against the wall as well as the only the left side and the front got cleaned...the rock was on the back wall and against the right side.
I moved again...LOL..the sides and back of the tank was thick crusted with coraline...I got a long spined black urchin...he cleared the coraline away enough for me to see the two sides again and the back wall. My rock is on the back wall only now.
That should answer any questions on how, or rather why, we clean certain parts of the glass. It's all for YOUR viewing pleasure, which is why tanks are clear to begin with.
Hope that helps