Glass mantis tank WARNING.

florida joe

Well-Known Member

For those of you considering a mantis tank and are going to use a glass tank please be warned. It is the general consensus that if you are going to use a glass tank you can do so by placing a piece of acrylic on the bottom of the tank. While I would agree I feel even more important if your entrances to the burrow are in close proximity of the glass that you also put pieces of acrylic up against the glass at those locations
My suggestion comes from this first hand observation. Numerous times I would hear my mantis thumping something. Knowing that there were no more live snails in the tank I was assuming that she was doing this to empty shells as the thumping was not visible from the front of the tank I again assumed she took the shells into her burrow. While doing some work around the tank I heard the thumping again an as I looked up I saw her half way out the rear of the burrow. I did not see any shells and wondered was she seeing her reflection in the back plate of the tank. Wanting to be sure of this every time I heard the sound I would position myself where I could observe her. After a week of this behavior I am 100 present sure she sees her reflection. She comes half way out of the burrow arches herself up in what I believe is a defensive position and then strikes the plate at the rear of the tank. My particulars which may be a factor are as fallows. Off white wall color, tank is 6 inches from wall and burrow opening is approximately 2 inches from back panel. As I type this she has thumped the back at least Six times.
This behavior may be a plus in that she will keep her smashing appendages under constant use. The down side is that she may be stressed why the constant reflection. I am going to run this by Dr Caldwell
NOTE the color of my wall is not a factor nor the distance to the wall as i have a blue background on the back of my tank sorry for the misinformation


i have to admit that the openings of our PVC mantis lairs have always been pretty well-away from the panels of the tanks, altho for our smashers, we have also just let them build their own lairs. we normally started with some nicely-shaped larger pieces of LR that looked like the mantis in question could work with in terms of excavating the substrate around them, and then dropped in a bunch of rubble and shells for building materials, and let them get busy.
as you suspect, the critter bashing the tank in the same spot repeatedly might not be such a good idea...


Active Member
They're pretty smart animals.. maybe she thinks that if she knocks you'll feed her :)