Glass Scratches


New Member
After cleaning the algae off the inside of my tank glass, I discovered two large areas where I must have picked up some sand and scratched the inside of the glass. These scratch areas are fairly large and caused the area to appear clowdy. This is very noticable and upseting! Does anyone have any suggestions on how to repair the scratch areas?

mr . salty

Active Member
If it is glass,outside of turning the tank around,or replacing the panel,You've got to live with it. If it's acrylic,you can sand them out.Start with say 600 and go up to 1500 or finer.Each step removes the scratches left by the one before. (800grit removes 600grit scratches,and so on)May work on glass,but I doubt it..........If they are really deep,you might try clear aquarium silicone to fill them.......STEVE
[This message has been edited by MR . SALTY (edited 08-02-2000).]