Glass Top


The wife doesn't like the salt that creeps out of the tank. I've heard a glass top helps with evoporation. Does that mean there won't be as much salt on the outside of the tank?


Does anyone know where could get a glass top with the lids that open? I want to find a place online because I can get it cheaper than I can at the LFS.


I think I only paid about $20 for the one I got from a large pet store near me... not my LFS, it was a ***** or something like that. With shipping on such a heavy/fragile item you might just be better off getting it at a ***** or Petsmart type of place.
I just took mine off because they cut down on the light for my corals. Have noticed a great improvement in the lighting. I have a 30" deep tank and now the bottom is lit. Think twice before spending that money for glass may not like them. I have not noticed a diffenrence in the evaporation, I am still topping off at the same rate as before.
If you are bent on getting husband put acrylic on his tank. He put cabinet handles on them and just lifts them to feed or remove.
HTH good luck