Glass top

I had 3 pieces of glass cut to go between my tank and canopy to reduce evaporation, but now I have an auto top off, so evaporation is not an issue.
Should I leave the glass or get rid of it?


I think there are a number of things to consider:
1. Do you have an overflow, or other surface skimmer to sweep dust off the surface? If not it will inhibat O2 exchange (more than the top) and look bad.
2. Do you need to add more CA? If your corals are needing 1 gallon of CA a day and you evaporate half that then that would be another reason.
3. Do you like O2 exchange :) ? It will certainly help O2 exchange to have it off (if #1 is a yes)
I do have an overflow, my top off runs through a kalk mixer, all I have so far is LR and a cleaning crew, but I do plan to get corals.
I guess the glass is history (it needed to be wiped down a lot anyway)


If you ever get Goby fish they will jump out of an open tank. Trust me. Happened to me!
Other than that, open tanks are really cool. Pics of mine at link below.
matt rogers
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>