glass tops


New Member
For everyone out there with no glass top on your tank. How do you deal with the huge evaporation? If I take my glass top off I can tell a good difference with more light getting through but I have to add almost a half gallon of water just to keep my salinity right. Are you using a dosing system and just adding the top off gradually through out the day? Its a pain to have to add that much everyday so I have just been keeping the top on. But I want as much light through as I can.
Plus people with sump and wet/dry filters. Do you experience a lot of evaporation as well?

eric b 125

regular top-offs. evaporation helps with some things.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by mariner360
For everyone out there with no glass top on your tank. How do you deal with the huge evaporation? If I take my glass top off I can tell a good difference with more light getting through but I have to add almost a half gallon of water just to keep my salinity right. Are you using a dosing system and just adding the top off gradually through out the day? Its a pain to have to add that much everyday so I have just been keeping the top on. But I want as much light through as I can.
Plus people with sump and wet/dry filters. Do you experience a lot of evaporation as well?
I have egg crate on my top for both tanks, and I lose probably about 2 gallons every day from evap. To make it easier for me I bought a rubbermaid 20g trashcan, and plumbing it into my sump, all I have to do is turn a ball valve and it fills up, then every sunday I fill the trash can back up. pretty easy even though I still have to do some work.


Active Member
Evaporation is not a bad thing. I lose 2-3 gallons per day. I have an auto-top off system that automatically refills the tank with fresh water when it gets too low. If you are not familiar with auto topoff systems (ATO), it may sound confusing but really it's very simple....and makes life a lot easier not having to refill that tank manually every day....


New Member
Yea I was just reading and found out people were loosing 2-3 gallons a day just like you said. I think I would rather jump off a cliff then top off that much water everyday. I'm gonna try and set up some gravity type top off unit on the shelf I have above my tank. Thanks everyone for all your replys. I really love this forum. Everyone is very helpful


I personally like my evaporation! It keeps my house nice and humid! (no dry skin or chapped lips). I evap about 1gal per day and I don't really have a closed top option while running MH lights.


I would bet I evap close to 5 gal. a day on my 340 system. As stated above it helps to keep the tank cool. I have my topoff hooked right into my ro/di. I have never had to think about doing anything for topoff for 3 years now.