

Active Member
I had one built last spring and delivered to a local show, but had to sell it for financial reasons. The tank was well-built, built to specifications, and I was really sad to have to part with it. I helped the new owner set it up, and was very impressed with it, especially the low-iron glass.


Active Member
Hey Rob long time no talk.... I had my 240 built by Tom at Glass Cages and love the tank. Built exactly the way I had it designed on paper.......:D


I'm filling a 240 with side overflows that I had built. So far it seems well sealed. Half way and no leaks. :D


Active Member

Originally posted by acrylic51
Hey Rob long time no talk.... I had my 240 built by Tom at Glass Cages and love the tank. Built exactly the way I had it designed on paper.......:D

How ya doin' Chris? :D


Active Member
I had to sell it because of some financial difficulties in getting my house sold...but that's all ancient history now and I'm closing on a new house next Tuesday and will start plans for another tank soon. Plus Glasscages will be in Chicago in March and May, so it shouldn't be too long before I'm back in business.


Active Member
Sorry to hear about the house, but things happen for a reason. What do u have in the works for the new tank??? Give me a hint!!!!


Active Member

Originally posted by acrylic51
Sorry to hear about the house, but things happen for a reason. What do u have in the works for the new tank??? Give me a hint!!!!

No definate plans yet, but it will be in-wall with a fish room. Keep an eye out for a thread starting in another month or so...I don't want to hijack PYRO F/X's thread any more than we already have!


Active Member
Hey Pyro FX go with Glass Cages if your looking for glass you wouldn't be disappointed at all. He did an excellent job on my 240. Would love to post some pics, but daughter destroyed the camera today!!!!!!!!

pyro f/x

New Member
Thanks for the reply's. I'm going to find out where the march delivery in chicago is and will post in this thread.