Global Warming


After seeing the amount of posts on this board for temp problems and noticing that the entire country is getting cooked this summer, I feel global warming is not just a myth. When we witness what this heat can do to our reef tanks, we can imagine the damage being cause to the reefs around the world. I hope that we can perfect our hobby in the near future and propagate corals in large numbers. When the wild reefs start to disappear, it will be up to us to repopulate the oceans. I challenge everyone on this board to be responsible with your loved pets and learn as much from them as you can. We need to teach our friends and family about the reefs thru our tanks, for one day, there will be no reefs in the wild to study. People will only protect what they know and love; they must learn to love the reefs by witnessing them first hand in our homes. I say setup as many tanks as you have room for and sell tickets at your door!! :p


I'm just trying to give you an excuse to use on your spouse when he/she asks why you brought home yet another aquarium. :D


Now I have seen EVERYTHING!!
Hippy hobbiests!!
Dude, global warming has been going on for CENTURIES!!! Recent research in the crusts of the earth show that its no uncommon for earth to go thru periods of global warming every couple hundred centuries. Don't believe everything you hear.
(IE: The chemical so often related to global warming is not the cause if we are in fact causing global warming. One volcano eruption spurts more CfCs than all our cars do in a decade. If CfCs were the problem, (as so often stated) the earth would have never been able to form an ozone layer in the first place.)
Just relax, enjoy your fish, and know that if there is going to be an end of the world as we know it, it will more than likely come outta nowhere with something we never foresaw. And until then, smile, have a coke, and enjoy your fish!! :)
(PS - I dont know where you are, but in Sacramento, CA we have had the LOWEST temps in a LONG time other than this week.) Try 59 degrees in JULY. (Normally 103)


Active Member
There was a recent story about global warming in USA Today that cited that temps were the highest they have been in 6 centuries......
But they were hotter than that if you go back 7 or more.
I think the global warming thing is hype. I read an article years ago (forgot where) that stated that alot of the funding that produced the findings for global warming came from a company (I think Dupont but I can't be sure) who had a product, R134a, but no market. By convincing everyone that the other refrigerants on the market were destroying the ozone and getting environmental groups behind them....laws got changed and.... bang.... new market.
But IANAE, just my opinion.


Staff member
Interesting topic, here, but it belongs in the Aquarium. Keep it going over there.