

Active Member
Ok so recently I bought this fish store I bought it from, which actually was quite nice (had to get a new one as my LOCAL LFS gives bad info), No dead fish ONLY SW and a crew that knew their stuff, told me it was a globophelia. Well I was curious if it is. Also if I put the hard part of the skeleton in the sand with the face, facing up will this be ok? It has been at the VERY top of my tank about 5 inches under surface with 150w MH over it. Tank is a 24g nano.


Active Member
Actually its Lobophyllia, specifically Lobophyllia corymbosa as there are a few supspecies of what you have. Or brain coral as its commonly called.
They dont require alot of light or flow and are happy pretty much anywhere in your tank. But its advised to keep them away from other corals.


Active Member
Ohhhh My bad your right thats what I get for multi tasking.. Looking at one typing another.. sorry. Open brain coral, as its commonly called.


Active Member
Ah ha, cool, thanks as always. PD are you a scientist by the way? You seem to know (and actually know not just pretend know) ALOT about this stuff. Or are you just a crazy researching reader? Either way hats off to you!


Active Member
LOL no man I am definatly not... but thank you. In fact there are alot in this hobby that have forgotten more than I know. Actually I just read alot, and I try to focus my research towards published work rather than opinion based comments or what others have experienced. In certain circumstances that type of advise is good and sometimes needed. But for the bees knees of this hobby I really try to dig out the published articles as they seem to be backed by science, experimentation and years of study.


Active Member
Well, I have to say you have helped me more than anyone else with my tank and fine tuning information I thought was right and was close but not quite there. So thanks for all that!