glove anthellia polyps vs. inverts.


New Member
the other day, i received two small rocks
with glove anthellia polyps on the rocks.
after a few acclimation hours and time in
my tank, they began to bloom, or rather open
up there pedals. once my inverts. caught wind
of the buffet bonanza of algae & detritus &
plant matter amongst the rock around the pol-
yps, and foraged on it. my inverts include
sally lightfoots, emeralds crabs, turbo &
algae conehead snails, pepp. shrimp, scarlet,
blue-leg, & dwarf zebra hermits. since then,
although it has only been 24-36 hrs. since then, the polyps seem to have retreated in
there stalks or there petals were eaten. has anyone ever heard of any of these inverts.
foraging on polyps or are the polyps just retreated from being walked on ? what do you think ? the stalks are still erect, just not
opened up. any thoughts appreciated.
It was unlikely that they were eaten they probally just retreated 'cause they didn't like the inverts stepping on them. Hope this helps.