

Do any of you use gloves when you stick your hand into your tank? My LFS sells them & wonder if I should get some. I'm definitely going to have to remove all my LR to catch a damsel (he laughed at the bottle trap), & I'm not too anxious to stick my bare hand in there for any length of time.
Thanks for any advice.

sinner's girl

I've never used them, but they sound like a good idea. I wash my hand with hot soapy water most of the time before sticking my hand in the tank. I never put my hands in after just putting on lotion or such.


Active Member
i tried aquagloves twice and both times they came new with leaks. i wouldn't have used them anyway because i feel so much clumsier with them on.


When I first started my tank I didn't use anything, just stuck my hand in, but found that I get a skin reaction to the saltwater. So I changed salt (helped), and I got a pair of Aqua Glove, and I love them! You can reach the whole way to the bottom and stay clean and dry.:yes: I think they are a very good investment and I really like them if I need to move my LR!