Glowing/Flashing fish ?


I know there is a fish that changes color....flasher ? something ? not sure I was hoping someone could chime in with a name... I started looking at some a few months ago... want to think maybe getting some in my 125g


Yup thats it =] ....i do have a lot of good LFS here... within 30 miles i say there are about 20... I hope maybe I can order one...I heard its better to have a few though more male then female to get more "color" i have seen some of the LFS sporting 600 dollar fish.. so I hope I can get them to get one.


Active Member
There are a few types of "flashing" fish. Flashing tilefish and flashing chromis.
The chromis, Chromis flavicauda looks identical to a yellowtail damsels. It's an endemic to Brazil, and is a very deepwater fish. Unfortunately no links (all would be to competitors), search the scientific name and you'll see it.
The flashing tilefish -- Hoplolatilus chlupatyi
is somewhat more common, though a really sensitive fish, that's pretty tough to keep.