Glowing spots on a frogspawn?


Active Member
Was lookin at my frogspawn before bed and there were 4-5 really weird looking neon (green) spots on/around the tips of 4-5 tentacles. To get it clear: 1 spot per tentacle on 4 different tentacles.
What's this all about? I wish I could have gotten a pic but my wife is hogging her camera phone.
isn't this what most frogspawn look like? I have heard of a purple tipped frogspawn, but if you have the normal neon green tipped frogspawn I feel that this is normal. Pic would help though


Active Member
I tried to shoot a pic of it but no luck. It's not the normal coloration of the coral; which for mine is green with white spots. These super bright neon green spots appear on the tentacles sometimes and then go away. I don't know how to explain them better than that though :(
Well, some corals (including frogspawn) contain bacteria within them called zooxanthellae, these bacteria and the coral have a symbiotoic relationship. The bacteria turn light into sugars, which the coral use for food and energy. This is where most of the color in these coral come from, these zooxanthellae are the neon/bright colors that we see. Does the FS in question at least look healthy?


Active Member
It looks very healthy and has been growing. The spots have been there three times total that I've seen and they don't come out at all when I take a pic of them... guess it's just a mystery of the universe :(
As long as it looks healthy and you don't see any other reasons for concern, I would assume its doing fine. As for the spots not being there when you take a pic of them, its because they know your watching


Active Member
lol they're there on the frogspawn, it's just they don't come out on the picture.. it's like a ghost.


Active Member
I have a two-toned frogspawn and it's a totally awesome coral. Long brownish/green tenticles with spots of both pink and purple. My clowns are hosting it now. lol


Active Member
and do you ever get really tiny (bright neon) dots that form suddenly and go away?