Glueing Coral


Ive been seeing a lot about this and I was wondering how exaclty one would go about doing this...also any opinions on pros and cons of this? and toher semi permanent way to stick corals? Neways...just a thought....let me know what u think...


I do this... works great. I was told about Loc-tite Super Glue GEL. Definitely good stuff. I've glued everything from xenia to zoos to you name it. Harder corals you can snap off at the glue, but with some of the softer stuff it's not as easy. If you're careful you can still chip it off though.


I've had mixed results when trying to glue corals. Anything that has slime on it- mushrooms, colt coral, etc. have failed to attach properly. Other people on this site have manage to do it though. I have had great success with zoo's- started with two small frags that broke off and now have a full rock of them. Use super glue gel- seems to work the best!