Glueing Corals to Rocks


New Member
I have read that you can glue corals to rocks to prevent them from falling over. I have a Gorgonians that I can't keep standing and would like to know if glueing is recommended.
If so what kind of glue?
Do you do this in the tanks or take it out of the tank?
Will the glue effect my water param?


Active Member
Hi, you can use a cement type stuff you should be able to buy at your lfs. I'm not sure what it is called but its in a clear tube wrapped in plastic, it is made for sticking your corals to your rock. It will not hurt anything. I will check with my hubby to see what the name of it is. I'm holding it in my hand as I type but it doesn't have a name on the tube... Later Lisa


you can even use "super glue" thats right!!! I have done it on a few of my mushroom frags :) it works good, there is also a putty out ( kinda like silly putty ) comes in gray or pink.... just a little dab will do ya!!!


products made for this are Hold fast Epoxy stick and Aquastik epoxy putty. However, as Krazzydart stated you can use super glue or Krazzy glue(and other similiar products). The are much cheaper and ok to use. I just used Krazzyglue the other day for a small piece of green star polyps.


Originally posted by KJKerin:
<STRONG>I have read that you can glue corals to rocks to prevent them from falling over. I have a Gorgonians that I can't keep standing and would like to know if glueing is recommended.
If so what kind of glue?
Do you do this in the tanks or take it out of the tank?
Will the glue effect my water param?</STRONG>
I have read some good articles about this at With Gorgonians, you can not get the glue on the fleshy part. Here is a link to their
Gorgonian Propagation page. I hope this link is allowed. If not, I will know in the future.
I would use super glue gel.


Active Member
We used Holdfast epoxy stick, ours is green, you play with it til it turns white then use it...Super glue would have been cheaper, we paid $12.20 for a 4oz tube.