gluing rocks


ok here is what i wanna do, i wanna have just base rock stacked up on one side of my tank (not filled yet) but i want like a verticle wall with a lot of hiding and some peices jetting out into the middle. what im wondering is if there is a glue, silicone, or something that i can use to attack all the rocks together so nothing collapses and will be somehwat hollow on the inside? yeah i know it will be permanent and thats cool by me, and i will be able to do this in the tank w/o water, i just need something goopy that will hopefully dry solid enough to hold all that, it will be 2-3 foot tall. enough info??????


In the reef aquarium book by Julian Sprung he lists a few options. IF you can find any of these he recommends Z-spar splash zone compound, Devcon underwater repair putty..Says they can be found at marine supply and yachting stores..They take a while to setup but the first one is supposed to be the best for glueing rock..Just make sure you brush it off and get rid of any lose particles..Also wear gloves etc as they can cause reactions until they set up.
Check out the book if you get a chance it's well worth it..