Gobies & Blennies


New Member
I have a well established 85 gal with 115 lbs of live rock and 20 crabs 15 snails etc etc and live sand. Ok question I was thinking of have various gobies and blennies in the tank not to many and not the ones that will fight each other like the Manderin Gobies. I just like the smaller fish they seem to have more personlality I think. So tell me what you all think!!!! <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> :) :)


Active Member
Scooter Blennies are cool little fish.
Also some Gobies like a Golden head will dig holes in your sand under rocks to make homes. They are cool but make a mess of your sand..


i got a diamond goby and a mandarin, if that counts. personally, i think with your tank you would be ok. large enough to give each space and shelter. just my .02 :D


Active Member
My bi color blenny is a pretty cool fish, with a unique personality. A good choice IMO.


i have had my Golden head goby for a while, and just 2 days ago i introduced a small scooter blenny. they get along very well, i saw them in same area searching for food, a great couple together.

tru conch

Active Member
i have a yellow headed sleeper goby and a cleaner goby in my 29. they both get along great. another interesting blenny is the lawnmower, even though they are a little ugly, you just have to get used to them and their great quircky personality.


I really love blennies and gobies also, I have a orange spotted watchman gobie, a dragon gobie, and I just got a Blue Spot Jawfish. I would recommend the scooter blenny, I found a little red scooter that is really cool looking. I love jawfishes too, but if you decide to get a blue spotted one be ready to get stressed out because every time mine acts strange in the littlest way I freak out because he cost so much. Also jawfishes are aggressive to other fish that look like them, but only if they come close to their hole. The dragon goby is a GREAT sand cleaner anda lot hardier than the gold head gobie. My watchman gobie doesn't do much other than sit on the sand but I have heard of you get a pistol shrimp they will live with them in the shrimps burrows. If you want to get a mandarin I have heard they are fine as long as there are no other mandarins with them, but make sure you have a VERY VERY VERY well established tank with a LOT of copepods, trust me I have already lost 2 mandarins and I will not get another one until my tank is at least a year old.


Also the lawnmower blenny is great for cleaning algea off your rocks, but I don't know how compatible they are with other blennies.


I have a yellow-head sleeper goby (sam) and a scooter blenny (rocky). They get along fine. Sam made a mess out of the sandbed the first few days, but now that he is established, he just sifts sand without spraying everyone and everything in his path. Rocky is everyone's favorite fish when they come visit. I am happy with them both.


i have 2 firefish, 1 blue gudgeon gobys and a scooter and lawnmower blenny they get along great. never bother each other at all


I agree that gobies are really neat. I had a yellow watchman goby in my 30 gallon reef tank. I was just starting to get interested in him. It was neat the way he would make a burrow under the live rock and peek out at everyone. They are kinda secretive but still fun to watch. Unfortunately he suffered a peculiar death by being captured by my brittle star. I have never heard of starfish being that aggressive. Oh well, :(


Gobies and Blennies are GREAT!
I have a mated pair of mandarins, AND a scooter that get along VERY well..A yellow headed jawfish, who is a riot..and two firefish, and my tanks is very peaceful..No fighting allowed :)
They really are fun to watch...GL with your choice'
~Sue :cool: