

as of now i have a 20 gallon with 27-30 pounds lr. the only life that is in my tank is some polyps kenya tree zoos some hermits and 3 snails
1 tiny yellow clown goby. (1/2" tops)
how many gobies would be a good number for this tank. and will all gobies get along. I am feeding it flake food any thoughts about feedings also
will they all stay at the bottom of the tank or will they swim around the rockwork :notsure:


I have 3 in my 20 long. A colorful and small active and useful goby you might enjoy a rainfords ,aka court jester, goby. Will help eat soft algae and sift the sand a little.
Perhaps one of these jawfish. I hear they are great in nano's. And have cool personalities.
All personal preference :) Not all gobies will tolerate/get along with other gobies. Many will some don't. Some just don't like others of its specific species unless a mated pair, or theres plenty of space. Best way to tell is to look up the species. Hope that is of some help.


I have some corals too a tree , some button polyps, colony zoo, mushrooms, 'rock dusters', clove polyp. Inverts: an urchin, algae cowrie(spelling?) a turbo. ~7 mini algae snails i forget what they are called stay small and don't nock stuff around like turbo's. a few hermits. Several gammus and a few pods. Some sorta cap snail. (hitch-hiker) Some of those mini starfish a pistol shrimp paired up with my red hi fin goby. Thats all i rmemeber being in there.


Originally Posted by millerman
do you think four gobies in a 20 high would be pushing it?
Depends on the type of goby. If you don't have enough holes and such don't get many that require them. And try to only have 1-2 digger/burrower kind. Depends on the layout and the ones you want to keep as to the otheres you can

EDIT: aditionally feed frozen brine shrimp too.