

I have a 12 gal nano, for some rason i have trouble keeping fire fish gobies alive, i have been through 3. Is this a common thing, my clowns do fine, never a problem, it just seems to be the gobies, give me some input.


Originally Posted by sig45
I have a 12 gal nano, for some rason i have trouble keeping fire fish gobies alive, i have been through 3. Is this a common thing, my clowns do fine, never a problem, it just seems to be the gobies, give me some input.
Anythign in there harassing them hows the water paramiters? I keep one in a 5 gal.


my water is pretty good, i had had some issues with the ph level its about 4 points low, nothing huge, I do have a blood shrimp who can be a little agressive about his cleaning area, but other then that nothing messes with them, like i said before my clown fish are super stars, they are great....


Originally Posted by saltyVT
had the smal problem with one to in my 2 1/2 died after a week or so, wouldn't eat or anything???
you had a firefish in a 2.5 gallon tank!!!!!!!!!