Goby Compatibility Question


Active Member
I have 4 different types of Gobies in my tank: a Firefish, an unknown Genus/species of "Tiger/Zebra" (he's silver w/ vertical black stripes, pinkish around the gills, same shape and fins as a Neon - so if I had to guess I'd put him in the Gobiosoma Genus, but I'm far from sure), a pair of Pandas and a Yellow Nose. All get along fine.
The research I've done says they're all peaceful tank inhabitants. I'd like to get a Yasha, which is the same Genus as the Yellow Nose (Stonogobiops). This is in a 20L w/ lots of rockwork and places to hole up. My Yellow Nose is pretty fierce for a such a small fish though. Would he fight w/ the Yasha?


Active Member
As an aside, here's a pic of the "Tigger":

I've searched high and low for an ID. Any help here would be appreciated as well.
haha i really inspired you didn't i
. if there is enough room and rockwork i think that they could make it work. wait for others to chime in though
haha im honored
. but in all serious-ness, they are great fish. they dont swim much and are start off very shy but the coloration is so much better in person, online pics just dont do them justice.


Active Member
lol - I hear ya. The colors are exactly what I'm looking for in my tank.
My Yellow Nose
was the same way when I first put him in the tank. Now the little bugger chases my Pygmy Angel away from his hole.
And like you say, the pic doesn't come close to doing it justice. His nose is eye poppin' lemon yellow, and all his fins have sparkly blue in them.