Goby ID


Well now that he's in QT I am finally able to get a pic of him and maybe someone could tell me what kind of goby he is....sorry my camera sucks


I knew it was either a shrimp or watchman goby. So what is the deal with these guys and shrimp? I don't have any shrimp in my tank but I was curious what the interaction between them was?


Active Member
I agree that its a Shrimp Goby as well. Maybe Amblyeleotris macronema.
They hang out with a shrimp that digs a hole for them and they help to feed and protect the shrimp, often called pistol shrimp or alpheid prawns. The shrimps are beleived to be blind.


Amblyeleotris macronema....I just searched google and it appears to be what it is....and their is no common name for it....No way am I ever going to remember that name....so should I get a pistol shrimp for him?


i can't seem to find a common name for that latin one, but it looks like a good guess by dogstar. a pistol shrimp will make for very interesting behavior, if they pair up.


Thats crazy....I don't wanna lose my Sally thats one of my favorite things in the tank....He will literally jump across the tank to grab a piece of food....I couldn't imagine a little shrimp like him taking out my crab....He bats his legs at anything that gets to close to him....O well the goby does fine without the shrimp


Active Member
a little history:
i was losing inverts (shrimp, sally's, emeralds) like mad. my pistol shrimp was the only thing seeming to survive. I figured my water parameters were bad, even though the tests were ok. my peppermints were the first to disappear. then my sally light foot, then my emeralds. no shells to be found.
I changed out my tank, and i found no shells.
so i figured, let me add some more peppermints and another sally.
they were gone in a week.
then i got sick of it and posted about it, and someone linked me that video. i have no doubt it was the pistol.


That looks similar to mine but mine had clear fins with red running along the tops of them and no yellow. This is what comes up on fishbase when you look for Amblyeleotris macronema. It looks almost identical to mine



Active Member
Originally Posted by juice_1080
That looks similar to mine but mine had clear fins with red running along the tops of them and no yellow. This is what comes up on fishbase when you look for Amblyeleotris macronema. It looks almost identical to mine

OHHH yea... well I take mine back then LOL. yea yours looks just like it.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
OHHH yea... well I take mine back then LOL. yea yours looks just like it.

Thanks for the help anyways...


Thats pretty weird, i have a pistol with 2 blood shrimp, i cleaner, emrald crab, and a bunch of hermits. Nothing went missing and its been about 3 months.


Active Member
it took a while, and yes, i do feed my pistol shrimp whenever i feed my sun coral. nice juicy tidbits!